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Where are games played?Pimpama United Netball Association at Pimpama Sports Hub
Where & when is training?Training is at Livingstone Christian College & Ormeau Woods State High School on Monday-Friday determined by our volunteer coaches
How can I volunteer?We love our volunteers! There are many opportunities from coaching, team management, joining our committee to assisting with BBQ fundraisers and events. Please fill out the “contact us” form.
What are the fees & what does that include?$330 NET SET GO $350 Jnr/Snr
Can I become an umpire?Yes, our umpires hold a PAID position within the club and we provide training opportunities. Please fill out the “contact us” form to become involved.
What uniforms are required for playing?All players can choose from a NEN dress or NEN players singlet with black sports skirt or basketball shorts.
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